Hungarian Qualification Framework (HuQF)

What is the HuQF?

It is the national qualification framework of Hungary, which contains the qualifications of the country in the following sectors: public education, vocational training, adult education and higher education.

The system consisting of eight levels reveals what skills and knowledge the owner of a school report, certificate or degree has acquired. It also shows what attitudes the person has and to what degree of independence and responsibility certain tasks can be performed. The HuQF is an effective compass in finding one’s career path and in making plans related to studies. As for employers, the HuQF supports efficient recruitment from the labour market.

By applying the use of learning outcomes and determining their relevant HuQF levels, Hungarian qualifications become more understandable and comparable.

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What is the HuQF good for?

  • It summarizes the contents of various qualifications and determines their position in the system of Hungarian qualifications thus supporting orientation in the work force.
  • The system of HuQF encompasses the sectors of public education, vocational training, higher education and adult education. Therefore, it becomes transparent how qualifications encourage career-building both on an individual and organisational level.
  • It serves as an effective framework for suppliers of the educational and training sectors to devise their training programs, identify and integrate the applicants' learning outcomes.
  • It encourages mobility since the expertise and qualifications acquired abroad can be integrated into the Hungarian training sector and labour market.
  • Qualifications described by learning outcomes make career guidance more effective.

The primary objective of the qualification framework is to support orientation within the educational and training systems. It provides an overview about qualifications certified by Hungarian authorities. By doing so, it encourages the employment of students and employees, mobility across borders and the possibility for life-long learning.

The national qualification framework reveals the possible paths to follow within the qualification framework. The information made available about qualifications assist individuals and employers in interpreting the competences related to qualifications. As a result, the qualification framework encourages participation in life-long learning and employment.

Also, the qualification framework is able to support penetrability within such frameworks as well as between the formal and informal learning context. It can contribute to the acknowledgement and enforceability of learning outcomes acquired in various fields of life: in sectors of the educational-training system, during work or leisure-time activities.

The Hungarian Qualification Framework is not a regulatory instrument; its sole objective is to support the better communication of the qualification contents and framework both in Hungary and in Europe.

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The legal background of the HuQF

The descriptors of the HuQF are described in Government Decree 1229/2012. (VII.6.). Information concerning the level of each qualification is defined in the law regulating the given qualification.

The four subsectors of the educational system are defined in separate laws. These are the following in more detail:


On the basis of paragraph 4 of article 57 in the act on National Public Education (act number: CXC/2011), the certificate of the secondary school-leaving examination contains the classification of the given qualification or vocational qualification in the Hungarian Qualification Framework and in the European Qualification Framework.

On the basis of article 45 of Government Decree 100/1997 (VI.13.), on the Issuance of the Procedural Rules of the Upper Secondary School Leaving Examination: ‘the school-leaving exam degree, certificate contains the fact that the certificate attests to level 4 in the Hungarian Qualification Framework and in the European Qualification Framework, the date of issuance, the imprint of the round stamp of the exam committee and the signatures of the school principal and the president of the exam committee’.


Initial vocational education provides professional knowledge required for a job or activity that does not require higher education, or prepares for a vocational qualification. Vocational education includes the education of core qualifications as well as the preparatory trainings for partial qualifications, which is regulated by the Act LXXX of 2019 on Vocational Education and Training.

In case of a successful professional examination I an accredited examination center, the candidate obtains a state-recognized qualification of the profession and of the upper-secondary completion. (Technician certificate HuQF 5 in technicums or professional certificate HuQF 4 in vocational schools).

The level of each vocational qualification described in the former National Vocational Qualifications Register, based on the classification system of the Hungarian Qualification Framework consisting of a 1-to-8 scale, is defined in the 8th column of a registry articulated in Appendix 1 of Government Decree 150/2012 (VII.6.) on the National Vocational Qualifications Register and on the Procedure of Amending the National Qualifications Register. NVQR qualifications may be issued until 31 December 2022.School-based vocational education is running since September 2020, which gives state-recognised secondary school qualification and vocational qualification after a successful vocational examination, in both vocational school and Technicum.

On the basis of Article 12 of Government Decree 12/2020 (II.7) on the implementation of the VET Act, the training and outcome requirements should contain the description of learning outcomes corresponding to the EQF and HuQF levels. Pursuant to paragraph 2 of Article 34, the EQF and HuQF levels, as well as the level in the Digital Competence Framework must be indicated on professional certificates.

Qualifications defined in the Register of Vocational Occupations can only be obtained through vocational education. The Register of Vocational Occupations is regulated by Appendix 1 of Government Decree 12/2020 (II.7) on the implementation of the VET Act. (Last amended by Government Decree 95/2021 (II.27.))


Based on paragraph 1 of article 110 of act CCIV (2011) on Higher Education, the minister responsible for higher education has been entitled to formulate a decree which defines the classification procedure of qualifications, certified with a degree, in the Hungarian Qualification Framework.

Paragraph 5 of article 51 of the act states that the degree must contain the classification of the given qualification, certified by the diploma, in the Hungarian and European Qualification Framework.

Government Decree 139/2015 (VI.9.) contains the HuQF level of higher education short vocational education, higher education qualifications and Bachelor and Master’s degrees, together with certificates of the same level. Besides, it describes the procedures, methodology and people responsible for classifying newly formed qualifications in the HuQF.

Decree 18/2016 (VIII.5.) of the Ministry of Human Capacities (on the Education and Outcome Standards and Requirements of Higher Education Short Vocational Courses, Bachelor and Master’s Degrees and on the modification of decree 8/2013 (I.30.) of the Ministry of Human Capacities on the Common Standards and Requirements Applicable to Degree Programs in Initial Teaching Education and the Outcome Standards and Requirements Specific to Individual Degree Programs ) defines the characteristic features of knowledge, skills, attitude, autonomy and responsibility comparing them with the classification of levels in the HuQF.

More information on the quality improvement of higher education qualifications is available within the framework of TÁMOP 4.1.3 project (System-level development of higher education services).


Adult training is regulated by the act on Adult Education (Act LXXVII of 2013), but regulations are going through a major change from 2019. From 1 September 2020 the aim of preparing for a vocational qualification or a partial qualification has a high priority. If an adult educational institution provides trainings for a partial qualification subject to the Act LXXX of 2019 on Vocational Education and Training, regulations on VET also applies to it.

The largest group of adult trainings organized by adult training providers are vocational qualifications. The list of state-recognized vocational trainings and qualifications and qualifications obtainable in independent examination centres is not issued by law. The Innovative Training Support Centre (IKK) publishes the programme requirements of vocational trainings on their website.

Article 16 of the Government Decree 12/2020 on the implementation of the Act on VET states, that the programme requirements include the name of the vocational training, a code according to the classification of the training areas and it should also indicate the qualification’s HuQF and EQF levels as well as the Digital Competence Framework level. Based on Article 34, professional certificates must contain the HuQF, EQF and Digital Competence Framework levels.

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