Privacy Policy
Certain personal data of visitors of the website of the Educational Authority can be obtained in two ways:
- certain technical data regarding the computer used by the visitor, the web browser, the IP address and the site visited are generated automatically during the connection;
- in several cases, such as a registration phase or the use of certain applications, the visitor provides information about himself/herself deliberately.
Our website has been developed on the basis of the unifying requirements concerning the contents and form of the websites of central administrative authorities. It has been our objective not to exceed the limitations of a necessary level of data processing while the visitor uses the services of the website. Besides, in case the visitor's permission is required, such a procedure must be in accordance with the legal regulations in force and the visitor's intent.
In case of our site, the official processing institution of visitors' data is the Educational Authority. It may occur that the visitor, from our site, follows a link to an external site. In such cases, data processing proceeds on that site (the browser always shows where the information displayed on the screen derives from).
The processing of our visitors' personal data forms part of our data processing responsibilities. The Educational Authority, through its other responsibilities that are not related to the website, reaches citizens and clients whose personal data are processed based on act CXII (2011) concerning freedom of information and the right of informational self-determination and based on the Regulation regarding the Processing of Public Data, issued by the President of the Educational Authority.
Should you need further information about the processing of your data, please send your inquiries to the following e-mail address:, to the following postal address: 1363 Budapest, Pf. 19. or contact us at +36 1 374 2100.